The purpose of this guide is to help law enforcement agencies identify cost reduction strategies that would work well for their agencies. Part one of a two-volume series, this practitioner guide covers broad strategies and specific approaches as well as tips for implementing them. Drawing on a survey of 51 police agencies in the Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia, all of which faced reductions in their funding, the guide explores ways that police agencies can address budget reductions without reducing productivity or the ability to provide a high level of service to the public. It presents a comprehensive but detailed exploration of the approaches taken by these agencies to maintain community service delivery with declining budgets, describing steps that can be taken in seven key areas: (1) technology, (2) management strategies, (3) safety and prevention, (4) protective services, (5) shared services, (6) personnel management, and (7) internal reorganization.
Strategies for Reducing Police Agency Service Delivery Costs: Practitioner Guide
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services