New Haven, Connecticut
Testing Evidence-Based Problem-Solving Practices in Hot Spots

Site LE Agency
New Haven Police Department
Site Researcher
Chris Sedelmeier, Ph.D., University of New Haven, Criminal Justice
Site Focus
Violent Crime
SPI Strategy
Evidence-based policing, Hot spot policing
Site Cohort
Site Profile
Mid-sized urban area of 18.68 sq. miles with a population of 130,019
Project Overview
The New Haven SPI addressed rising violent crime and local shooting incidents in a persistently violent neighborhood in the city.
- Modeled risk terrain to determine areas with the highest risk of violent crime.
- Had 13 weeks of supplementary, focused foot patrols.
- Increased use of data-driven decision making (e.g., daily “flash sheets” with maps, crime data, and other data).
- Engaged community, particularly specific block groups.
- Modified problem-oriented policing techniques (e.g., patrol officers identified issues such as street lighting and neglected properties, and supervisors implemented responses).
Methods and Findings
Research Design
Pre-intervention, intervention, and post-intervention analysis in target and control areas.
- During intervention, 19% reduction in violent crime at the neighborhood-level and 36% reduction in violent crime in high-risk areas.
- 13 weeks following the intervention, 41% violent crime reduction at the neighborhood level and 56% reduction in the high-risk areas.