
In addition to SPI's training and technical assistance and outreach activities, our team has also collated a library of resources related to SPI's core practices. We continually add to this library, which includes over 550 individual resources. These resources are tagged by both major and sub-categories, as seen in the menu. You can browse all resources in a particular category by selecting an item from the menu.  Recently added resources can be found on the SPI website home page and a random selection of resources is listed in the table below as an example of the resources available in our library.

You can also conduct keyword searches of the library using the search box on this page.

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Example Resources from Our Library

Resource TitleTopic Categories
The Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Experiences from the Local SitesCost-benefit Analysis/Cost Effectiveness, Agency and Program Management
Strategic Communication PracticesCommunity Policing, Outreach and Collaboration, Agency and Program Management, Policing Strategies
Sharing Data for Better Results: A Guide to Building Integrated Data Systems Compatible with Federal Privacy LawsCrime Analysis, Database and Records Management, Technology and Analytics
Violent Crime Reduction Operations GuideViolent Crime, Crime
Police Quarterly Special Issue: Smart PolicingProperty Crime, Place-based Policing, Crime, Policing Strategies
Implementing POPIntelligence-led Policing, Problem-oriented Policing, Policing Strategies
Pivoting to a COVID-19 Response in the Greater Houston RegionCommunity Policing, Policing Strategies
Data Driven Reinvestment DecisionsCost-benefit Analysis/Cost Effectiveness, Agency and Program Management
Impacts of Differing Shift LengthsPersonnel, Performance Management, Agency and Program Management
Sustaining Focused Deterrence Strategies: Launching the Violent Incident ReviewGun-related Crime, Problem-oriented Policing, Crime, Policing Strategies