Los Angeles, California
Institutionalizing Operation LASER in the Los Angeles Police Department

Site LE Agency
Los Angeles Police Department
Site Researcher
Craig Uchida, Ph.D., Justice and Security Strategies, Inc. (JSS)
Site Focus
Gun Violence
SPI Strategy
Place-based policing, Problem-oriented policing
Site Cohort
Site Profile
Large urban area of 468.67 sq. miles with a population of 3,906,772
Project Overview
In 2014, the City of Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) was awarded a second SPI grant to expand and institutionalize their original SPI, Operation LASER (Los Angeles’ Strategic Extraction and Restoration Program), a successful technological approach to reducing violent crime and gun crime. Through the second SPI, Operation LASER was replicated and implemented in seven additional zones in the 77th Street, Southeast, and Southwest divisions and sustained in the Newton division. Study findings showed that LASER resulted in significant division-wide reductions in Part I crimes, gun crimes, and robberies.
Methods and Findings
Research Design
The evaluation examined two major indicators for implementation (dosage) and outcomes (crime reduction).
- Study findings showed that LASER resulted in significant division-wide reductions in Part I crimes, gun crimes, and robberies.
- LASER was credited with double digit reductions in homicides and victims shot in four divisions that accounted for 48% of the city’s violent gun crimes.