Birmingham, Alabama

Project Overview
The city of Birmingham struggles with a high poverty rate and one of the worst violent crime rates in the nation. Birmingham aimed to combat the high homicides and non-fatal gun related violence through implementing the Tuhska Lusa Initiative (TLI). This initiative is designed to lower the rate of gun violence offenses and victimization among high-risk individuals. Birmingham will identify probationers with firearm related charges to participate in the TLI. The TLI will provide participants with wraparound services that focus on life skills training, workforce development and building practices essential for overcoming various social determinants. The success of TLI was evaluated on the likelihood that participants will reoffend. Following the participation in the TLI, participates are expected to exhibit lower likelihoods of reoffending.
Methods and Findings
- As of 2017, 115 homicides were reported based on the 2016 census estimate of 212,157 population, which represents 54.2 murders per 100,000 residents.
- About 10 percent of Birmingham's zip codes account for 78 percent of the city's homicides.