Pharr, Texas
Testing Place- and Offender-Based Policing
Site Final Report:
Project Overview
The Pharr Police Department (PPD) SPI sought to address violent (Uniform Crime Report Part 1) crime and neighborhood disorder problems in and around Pharr, Texas, by implementing a comprehensive evidence-based Smart Policing Initiative approach. A tactical Smart Policing Initiative unit composed of one support civilian staff and one senior crime analyst was created to reduce, address, or otherwise respond to precipitous violent crime, neighborhood disorder, and drug problems. The SPI project goal was to expand the current PPD intelligence program capabilities through place-based, offender-based, and false alarm strategies. The project resulted in a 28 percent decline in burglaries.
Methods and Findings
- In 2010, 18.6 of every 1,000 residents of Pharr was a victim of violent crime.
- Violent crime accounted for 26.1 percent of Part I crimes in 2010.
- The SPI project resulted in a 28 percent decline in burglaries in Pharr, TX.
- Although effects may not be attributable to the false alarm strategy, between 2012 and 2013 Pharr experienced a reduction of 1,071 false alarms, and saved $33,533 and 446 police officer hours.