The Design, Delivery, and Evaluation of Police De-Escalation Training

On January 16, 2025, the Law Enforcement Knowledge Lab, in partnership with CNA, hosted the webinar titled, "The Design, Delivery, and Evaluation of Police De-Escalation Training." De-escalation training has emerged as a strategy that many believe can improve outcomes and safety for law enforcement and community members. Despite de-escalation’s rapid adoption in policing, its evidence base is both limited and mixed. As a result, key questions about its impact remain unanswered. In 2017, the Tempe, Arizona Police Department (TPD) and researchers from Arizona State University (ASU) received funding through the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Smart Policing Initiative (SPI) to design, deliver, and evaluate a de-escalation training program. This webinar highlighted the development, implementation, and evaluation of Tempe's efforts. 

Speakers included: 

- Dr. Michael White, CNA 

- Dr. Carlena Orosco, Arizona State University 

- Assistant Chief Dane Sorensen, Tempe Police Department

The accompanying Spotlight Report provides additional information and a checklist of issues for law enforcement agencies to review when considering similar programs. 

Slides and recording of this event are provided below.